Fun For Cure, Inc.
Fun For Cure, Inc.


C'mon!  Fill out a FREE membership form and we can begin planning a FREE therapeutic recreation program!

The whole family is invited to join any program or activity!  Therapeutic Recreation is for EVERYONE!

At Fun For Cure, Inc., the JOURNEY is the GOAL!  Enjoy reaching your child's dream!

The best things in life are FREE!   Create memories!   Relax!

We are FREE like the best things in life!  We charge NO membership or service fees! 


Thank you all who supported our Fun For Cure, Inc. office/shop in Dobbs Ferry!  We will never forget the community!

How do we do it?  With donations of funds and facilities!  And dedicated professional volunteers!


Thank you all who joined Team Fun For Cure, Inc. as we walked for CCFA at the Take Steps Walk in Yorktown, NY and Norwalk, CT.





Introducing our NEW Social Media Promotion Team 2025 Starring and Nicole Godinho - Team Leader and Volunteer of the Month for October, November and December 2024

She and Rachel Patterson - Our TWO MOST ENERGETIC VOLUNTEERS for January 2025 have been working behind the scenes with Nicole Conrad, David Rhodes, and Mia Chiarra to start raising awareness about our mission!

For 2023/24 - Julianna Piage as Team Leader made our Volunteer of the Year award, along with Greg Dekker, Ava Zhao, Anna Fitzpatrick, Su Liu, Suzie Hahn, and Adelise Egan as our supporting Team Members!


Also in the works:

Fun For Cure, Inc.'s
Adaptive Theater and Performance Workshop



Good Deeds Network Presents:



Intergenerational TR Jazz Dance Program for the Elderly!

We Encourage Teens and Kids to Join us!

Families Welcome! 


Sing, Dance, Act, Perform!


Or Help Out with Our Stage Crew!


SHINE like a STAR in ONE or BOTH Programs!
Registration Required...

5 Sessions only $75

No payments necessary until we establish a full Theater or Jazz GROUP - including music and stage crew!

If Interested - Sign Up BELOW!!!



Families Welcome!

At the Tuckahoe Community Center in Tuckahoe, NY

Starting Date February 14th 2025 at 5pm to 6pm - 6pm to 7pm



We need at least 5 families to sign up before we run the program!

Questions? Call 914 588 5069


or email:



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Theater Inclusive or JAZZ It UP!!!

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Great Princeton University Fun For Cure, Inc. Therapeutic Recreation HIKE!!!  2 mornings of games, activities, informative discussions, and FUN nature HIKES! 

Thank you Su Liu for your amazing PHOTOS of the hike!  

Stay tuned for the whole photo and video album!


WATCH THIS SLIDE SHOW!!! Fun For Cure, Inc. - The Most Recent Years!
We created this new slideshow after we recovered from the Covid pandemic.
It's been a long road to recovery but as we always say "The Journey is the Goal" - and we are now alive and kicking!
See our latest programs and events right here!
Fun For Cure Slideshow.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [6.3 MB]



Sign up HERE for a Saturday MORNING Adventure! 

Bundle Up for BRISK and Sunny Climbs in the WINTER WOODS and HILLS! 


Yes, a bit more exciting than our "Summer Scavenger HIKE" Program"!!!


We EXPLORED Nature, walked, hiked, and "hunted" 

Thank you Volunteers for helping us lead the way!

Special Thank you to Padraig and Jack for their consistent dedication!  Thank you Phil for bringing your bearded Dragon, Furio!  Thank you Su for taking amazing pics and videos!  Thank you Sharon, Sarah, Ariana, Seidi, Darsh, Swati, Kerin and Adelise for helping us keep the groups in safe and together!

Thank you Anna Fitzpatrick and Su Liu for your amazing photos of our hikes!

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Scavenger HIKE Registration

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It is with great honor and gratitude to welcome a new member to our Board of Directors!


Ms. Karin Paulus, Vice President and Branch Manager of Ocean First Bank in Scarsdale, has kindly offered to help us out with financial issues and subsequently to join our Board of Directors as Treasurer.

We are truly blessed to have such an outstandingly compassionate person join our mission promoting healthier families and a stronger, happier community.

Karin’s fresh insight will greatly supplement all of our extraordinary experiences, and together we will bring together countless smiling, confident, positive, motivated, and persevering children, families, and volunteers!

Welcome Karin!



Singing and FUN!
Acting! Dancing!
AND "Theater Inclusive"
 "JAZZ It UP!!" 
Intergenerational Jazz Dance Program for Seniors, the Elderly, Teens and Kids with Special Needs!
Families Welcome-
Siblings FREE!
Register early-
For a discounted FEE*
Where:  Tuckahoe Community Center
When:   Starting Date January 24th 2025, - Set in Accordance with Families Signing Up
What:    "Theater Inclusive" - Adaptive Theater Group - JAZZ It UP too!
Singing/Dancing/Acting FUN for Children with Special and Medical Needs and the Elderly
Price:   Only $75 per child for 5 WEEKS - Siblings FREE / Families Welcome!  No Payments Necessary Yet:)
Please contact 

Yay! It's our Adaptive Tournament and Award Ceremony Sunday July 23rd!  Congratulations to ALL participants and Volunteers!

Stay tuned for PICS!

Our Adaptive Tennis FUN Program really is a SMASHING success (pun intended:)



Thank you to our AMAZING volunteers who made this season's Adaptive Tennis a very rewarding experience!

We held our April 2023 Tennis Tournament on April 23rd to present the Silver Medals to our children players and our three Most Outstanding Volunteers! 

We just held our Winter Adaptive Tournament and Award Ribbon Ceremony on Saturday February 4th 2023!  

What a WONDERFUL time for the parents, volunteers and kids!




Introducing our NEW family donors for the month of April 2024 - Gabriel and Aurora Gelman and their two sons, Jesse and Trey.  Jesse has been volunteering with us since 2021 and invited his brother this year.  Both teens have been invaluable to our tennis program, as the children are fully anticipating their smiling faces every week!  Gabe and Aurora have donated a very generous gift to our current tennis program and it will carry us through the upcoming months!  Thank you Gelman Family again for your dedication and compassion - our mission would never reach it's true potential without families like yours.  God bless you in all your future endeavors and I look forward to working with Jesse and Trey for many years to come:)


For March 2024 we would like to thank Jack and Padraig Harris and their wonderful mom, Aly, for contributing to our mission!  Jack and Padraig have volunteered for over 5 years together and the Harris famiy has contributed more funding than any other private donor! Without the Harris family, and people like them, Fun For Cure, Inc. would not exist! 

On behalf of all the families we serve, we LOVE you - Aly, Jack, Padraig and family - and look forward to your continued volunteerism! 


Hopefully for the SPRING 2025....

ADAPTIVE TENNIS FUN at Lake Isle, Eastchester NY

Featuring: Health, Safety, and FUN!!!

This is a SUPER FUN active program!  

Learn tennis forehand, backhand, game positions, and more!



Date/Time TBA

$269 for 10 weeks


Siblings FREE

Families Welcome!

Water and Coffee FREE!

If Interested Contact

Tennis Balls and Racquets Supplied

Parent Coffee Clubhouse OPEN!


Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and Tennis Pro

To Register:


Or complete form below and click "DONATE"


Thank you Suzie Hahn for your amazing photos of our last  Tournament 2024!



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Fun For Cure Adaptive Tennis FUN Interest Form - Please FILL OUT If You Are INTERESTED In This Program For The SPRING 2025 Please only provide information that we may share with our Tennis Instructor

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We had a BLAST this past Spring! We would love to do a Band Revival this coming FALL 2024! Sign up NOW if interested! Only $125 for 5 weeks! SIBLINGS FREE! Families WELCOME! Adaptive Guitar and Song/ Recital/ Concert for Children with Special and

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New Program for kids with special and medical needs....


Allergy FREE and Vegan Cookie Baking!

133 Sagamore Road, Tuckahoe, NY 10707

Starting June 29th at 3:30pm

5 consecutive weeks will bring 5 consecutive BATCHES of COOKIES!!! 

$75 for 5 AMAZING CLASSES and 5 AMAZING batches of COOKIES!!! 

Register HERE!



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Adaptive Guitar and Song - Music for Children with Special and Medical Needs 5 Tuesday Evenings - Starting July 12th 2023 at 7pm - Depending on the Schedules of the Families who Sign Up!

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New Adaptive Yoga, Nutrition, and Fitness! 

New ONLINE Group Interactive sessions!

YOU choose the times/dates!

Starting this JUNE and ONGOING Registration!


For kids with special and medical needs!

Online LIVE

with Monica Adhav Certified Yoga and Nutrition Instructor

If interested contact


Healthy recipe and nutrition demo  Hands on creating!

Chakra Singing Bowl! 


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Adaptive Yoga and Nutrition Ongoing Sign Up

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NEW!  Adaptive Theater and Performance THEATER INCLUSIVE for Special and Medical Needs!

We had a GREAT two workshops and plan to do it again in the fall at the Wills Library or Tuckahoe Community Center!

Starting Saturday August 7th at 10:30am for 8 weeks.

Please register online if interested!

$250 per child -  Please pay by clicking the "Donate" Button and completing the registration form below...

 Siblings FREE

Families FREE    

Refreshments FREE

Please Register or get info by contacting:



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     Fun For Cure, Inc. is grateful for you!!! 

Please give by clicking on any "Donate" button and be PROUD of your kind, generous, and helpful self!  
Thank you so much!      

Flo Pecoraro-Egan MSEd, Founder  

- May 2017


I would like to honor our very first donor, The Bernard Malberg Charitable Trust and the donation coordinator, Mr. Edward Flower, Trustee.  With their generous donation of $25,000.00, we can continue our mission at little or no cost to the families we serve.  

Thank you with all my heart!


- October 2017 


In honor of Bernard Malberg, Esq., our most generous donor, we are naming our new Senior Citizen's Home Therapeutic Recreation Program after him.  It shall be named the "Bernard Malberg Senior's Fun For Cure" Program.


Thank you to Iris and Saiid 

Cafe Owners

and all who came to our Fun For Cure, Inc.

Raise Awareness Day Event!  
at Café E 4:2
72 Main Street

Tuckahoe, NY 10707


Acoustic Music 


Cartolano Trio

Rachel Norman

Open Mic


Bates information, samples, and latest CD available for purchase at:


Our mission is to promote healing and wellness through Therapeutic Recreation!
Any donations we recieved from this event will directly fund our TR programs for this coming August 2019

Wanted:  Hosting Facility for our 


Series 2019

Spread the Word!!!

The benefits of TR are endless...   Social, physical, emotional, cognitive, neurological, psychological, spiritual, sensory, behavioral, memory building, self-esteem, talents/skills, and so much more!  

Event #1 was at California Pizza Kitchen, Central Ave., Hartsdale, NY on Nov. 7th - noon to 10pm

Event #2 was at Barnes and Noble in Scarsdale, NY on their Grand Opening week December 2016

Barnes and Noble in Yonkers, Dec. 2018,

And of course, Cafe E 4:2 in Tuckahoe in July 2018

Interested in hosting our event at your facility?

Or exhibiting a display table?

For information, email Flo or Arlene at or call 914 588 5069





Number of Participants



Thank you to all who entered our


You brought us closer to promoting health and wellness through Therapeutic Recreation endeavors for children with special needs and chronic illness with our goal of $1500….

We've reached over $500 for the first seven giftbaskets!!!

This goal is still underway and will help us to implement our 10 week therapeutic Music - Movement- Performance Fun program for children all ages!   Families are invited to participate!  Sign up online or send your inquiries to  !!! 



Congratulations to Steven Schwartz, Dylan Tee, Monica Pernerstorfer, Paula Gogliormella, Susan Duffy, Dierdre Tracey, Mary Rose, Frank D'Erasmo, and Jackie Salerno!!


A heartfelt THANK YOU to all our GENEROUS sponsors...
Rosanne from Lagond Music School, Nick from Trader Joes in Eastchester, Rob from Scarsdale Pizza Station, Cameron from Starbucks in Eastchester, Charlie from Pine Brook Fitness, Joe from Swirl 'n Joy in Tuckahoe, Pat from Pinot's Palette in Tuckahoe, The Garth Road Inn in Scarsdale, Home Field Bowl in Yonkers, and Susan from Crystal by Swarovski! 
Don't forget to enter our $5 Raffle for AMAZING prizes and to DONATE to our mission!!! 
Thanks and GOOD LUCK!!!


Also - Congratulations to Steven Schwartz and Dylan Tee, our two winners of the Pinot's Palette Art Sessions!!!






Thank you Bryce, and our Fun For Cure, Inc. Members, for doing the Westchester Community College photo shoot and for helping write the article!  

Fun For Cure, Inc. is very grateful for the WCC acknowlegment!   Stay tuned for the whole article about our Founder, Flo Pecoraro-Egan and the Fun For Cure, Inc. participants in Therapeutic Recreation.

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Interest Form for our FREE Artwork Gallery Workshop for children

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Thank you, all who attended our

Fun For Cure, Inc.

Halloween FUN with a Therapy Dog

All ages!!

Please call to sign up 914-588 5069

We practiced patience, kindness, good manners, and respect with our loving therapy dog!

At the Larchmont Public Library




Here she is!  Bella!!!  

Our big and beautiful October Therapy Dog!  We plan some more therapy dogs in November and December....  please apply here if you are interested in this FREE program!



Join us now!  

We are venturing out to serve those who deserve the very best!  

Please sign up here if you know a senior citizen who would benefit from a visiting certified therapy dog and/or a qualified and caring volunteer....  

Our AMAZING volunteers and/or pet therapy volunteers will spend quality time chatting and reminiscing with your loved one, while providing the cute and friendly company of a loving therapy dog! 



This is a FREE program! 




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Visit Therapy for Seniors (Interest Form)....

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Thank you so much all who came to California Pizza Kitchen in Hartsdale on August 10, 2015!    We had our second annual FUNdraiser for our FREE Therapeutic Recreation Programs for children with special needs and chronic illness.   CPK was extremely hospitable as always and displayed our donated books, dolls, games, etc. in their lobby.   Thank you CPK!



Enjoy VIRTUAL Adapted Tennis for children all ages!  Call 914 588 5069 for more information!

"Fun for Cure tennis lived up to its name: it was lots of fun for my daughter. The organizers did so many things right -- from setting goals before every session, to providing healthy snacks, to enlisting buddies who enhanced the social experience. As a tennis player myself, I am thrilled to see my daughter's newly found enthusiasm for the sport."

- Ann Horowitz, Westchester County, NY


"I looked forward to tennis every Friday. My favorite part was when I met Adelise, who was a buddy. I got better at tennis by practicing my forehand. We played games and there were prizes. I liked the snacks that Florence and Adelise brought. "

- Carly, Westchester County, NY



"This was the first experience at tennis for my 11yr old ASD son and it was terrific.  Practicing eye/hand coordination and timing; tennis was a perfect exercise for him.  Thank you." 

- Lisa Colin, Westchester County, NY



Thank you to Savitri Ramsingh for her dedication to our cause!  She has helped us to spread the word to other families in Westchester!

Also, thank you to Carolyn Sparano, Brett Feinsod, Jessica Sterner, Jay Bernstein, Sarah Heide, Charlie Chait, Pat Steets, David Lee, Carolyn Hale, Adam Resheff, Danielle Resheff, Kyra, Arlene Heide, Diane Babu, Bryce, Paolina, Dan Bonnet, Jillian Vasquez, and Karen Mindich for their outstanding volunteer and fundraising efforts!



Are you and your family looking for a day of FUN and adventure?   

Have you ever considered HORSEBACK RIDING?







Simply FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM with your most exciting ideas and we will get a group going !!!!



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FUN and Adventure Interest Form

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"Fun for Cure tennis lived up to its name: it was lots of fun for my daughter. The organizers did so many things right -- from setting goals before every session, to providing healthy snacks, to enlisting buddies who enhanced the social experience. As a tennis player myself, I am thrilled to see my daughter's newly found enthusiasm for the sport."  Ann Horowitz


We had a blast at the New Rochelle Racquet Club

for Adapted Tennis and Wally Ball!

All the children ages 5 to 18 were smiles from ear to ear!

Thank you to Lenny and Charlie for their cheerful hospitality!

Thank you Bryce,Paolina, Vanessa, Mariela, and Gisel from the New Rochelle High School

- for your enthusiasm and volunteerism!

We couldn't have done it without you!

Also, a huge thank you to Dan Bonnet and Jillian Valdovinos 

from the Guidance Center of Westchester!





Thank you to all who participated in our FUNdraiser at California Pizza Kitchen!  We are so very appreciative of the wonderful donations we recieved to create the gift baskets for our Raffle! 

Without the following generous Corporate Sponsors, we would never have been able to create such lovely and valuable gift baskets....

Whole Foods Market of Portchester, Mixology of Rye Brook, The Learning Express in Rye Brook,  The Crowne Plaza Hotel and Resort of White Plains, The Melting Pot of White Plains, The Cheesecake Factory of White Plains, Original Gourmet Online, Bananagrams Online, Aflac of Elmsford, Longford's Homemade Ice Cream of New Castle, Demeter Fragrance Library Online, FritoLay Online, Turtle River Soap Company of Rye, Build a Bear Workshop of White Plains, Five Guys of White Plains, Dum Dums Online, Vitalicious Online, The Cookie Cutter Company Online, Badger Healthy Body Care Online, Mixology of Rye Brook, Bed Head of Rye Brook, Chop't of Rye Brook, Red Mango of Rye Brook, Lush Cosmetics of Rye Brook


We especially extend our gratitude to Yvonne Spotts, the Assistant General Manager at CPK, for her kind hospitality and for letting us host the Raffle and the Event!



Congratulations to Bonnie M., Raymond C., Shragit G., Sylvia C., Nancy B., Midily S., Lauren A., and Racey Haimowitz,  for winning the Raffle Gift Baskets!  We hope you enjoy the big variety of surprises and treasures that await you!



What a wonderful time we had at Waverly School in Eastchester for the past two years!   Let's do it again!


Reminder to all SEPTA district representatives:  

Please contact us ASAP to register your district's after school program with us!   We are still offering SEPTA AFTERSCHOOL ART AND THERAPEUTIC RECREATION PROGRAMS for all SEPTA MEMBERS!   A minimal fee may be collected by each SEPTA group to cover materials and extra staff.




Thank you to Carolyn Sparano of Real Living Real Estate in Scarsdale for keeping Fun For Cure, Inc. on the forefront of her weekly newsletter.  Carolyn has been a compassionate and generous contributor to our organization and to the community she serves!  She has been an associate of Fun For Cure, Inc. since 2010 and we hope to continue our business and personal relationships!;jsessionid=89F2424B8E0D59CEFE0090D9710E9D7D.TCpfixus70a?__reuse=1393315943161
Hope we didn't miss you in the crowd!






Thank you to Pat Steets and the New Rochelle Racquet Club!  Their facilities  and courts have added so much to our programs every week!


We had a great time while Rock Climbing indoors!  With courage and a bit of encouragement, the kids reached new heights and conquered the challenges!   Our next structured Rock Climbing program will begin in the Summer 2014...  Days/Times are to be determined.  Stay Tuned!





Our support services and programs are FREE - including refreshments!!!


My son, Kyle, after being discharged from the hospital.... making the best of his reverse isolation mask! After a long battle with Crohn's, he unfortunately had to suffer with Methotrexate toxicity after being administered 14 times the normal dose for two weeks in error! His immune system went down to zero and his mouth developed ulcers so bad that he had no normal lining left in his mouth, throat, cheeks, lips, and tongue. His pain was unbearable and the ER said he had the most horrific case of mucositis that they have ever seen. He is still at risk for long term toxicity effects and and liver damage!!!  For two weeks he suffered excruciating pain and debilitation while following his prescription! Fun For Cure, Inc. is going to add a new program and trust to our services. We will be fighting against these deadly mistakes that are so easily communicated to patients who are used to high amounts of daily medication! Stay tuned for more updates!!!

Florence Egan, MSEd, Founder
Fun For Cure, Inc.
914 588 5069

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